GPT Trade Assist Bot Builder Intro,



This will give you the Prompt you need to run it on your own ChatGPT console to produce the Code. We’re limited by output length, which might diminish the quality of code hence it is best to run it directly on your ChatGPT. Simply paste the Prompt followed with the Bot Strategy you’ve obtained from “Fine Tuner”.

The output will include detailed easy to follow step by step instructions of how to implement the code on your platform, so even if you’re beginner – it should be doable.




Example input:

Asset: crypto
Pair: eth/btc
Platform: binance
Technical Indicator: MACD
Parameters: 12
Timeframe: 30-minutes
Stop-loss Threshold: -10%
Take-profit Threshold: +20%

Example output:

Here is the Python code for the trading bot that you described:

import talib
import ccxt

# Set up the Binance exchange API
exchange = ccxt.binance({
‘apiKey’: ‘YOUR_API_KEY’,
‘secret’: ‘YOUR_SECRET’,
‘enableRateLimit’: True,

# Define the trading parameters
asset = ‘ETH/BTC’
timeframe = ’30m’
stop_loss_threshold = -0.1 # -10%
take_profit_threshold = 0.2 # +20%

# Set up the MACD indicator with a 12-period EMA
macd_fast_period = 12
macd_slow_period = 26
macd_signal_period = 9

# Define the function to get the MACD indicator for a given symbol and timeframe
def get_macd(symbol, timeframe):
candles = exchange.fetch_ohlcv(symbol, timeframe)
closes = [candle[4] for candle in candles]
macd, macd_signal, macd_hist = talib.MACD(closes, fastperiod=macd_fast_period, slowperiod=macd_slow_period, signalperiod=macd_signal_period)
return macd, macd_signal, macd_hist

# Define the function to place a buy order
def buy(symbol, amount):
order = exchange.create_market_buy_order(symbol, amount)
print(f’Buy order placed: {order}’)

# Define the function to place a sell order
def sell(symbol, amount):
order = exchange.create_market_sell_order(symbol, amount)
print(f’Sell order placed: {order}’)

# Define the main trading function
def run_trading_bot():
# Get the MACD indicator for the chosen asset and timeframe
macd, macd_signal, macd_hist = get_macd(asset, timeframe)

# Check if the MACD is above the signal line
if macd[-1] > macd_signal[-1]:
# If the MACD is above the signal line, place a buy order
buy(asset, 0.001) # Replace 0.001 with your desired buy amount
# If the MACD is below the signal line, check if the stop-loss threshold has been hit
current_price = exchange.fetch_ticker(asset)[‘bid’]
if (current_price / entry_price) – 1 < stop_loss_threshold:
# If the stop-loss threshold has been hit, place a sell order
sell(asset, 0.001) # Replace 0.001 with your desired sell amount
elif (current_price / entry_price) – 1 > take_profit_threshold:
# If the take-profit threshold has been hit, place a sell order
sell(asset, 0.001) # Replace 0.001 with your desired sell amount

# Execute the trading bot

Here are the step-by-step instructions to implement the strategy:

1. Register for a Binance API key and secret, and enter them in the code where indicated.
2. Install the ccxt and talib Python libraries.
3. Copy and paste the code into a Python environment or file.
4. Replace the 0.001 values in the buy and sell functions with the step-by-step instructions to implement the strategy:
5. Customize the parameters to fit your desired trading strategy. For example, you can adjust the MACD indicator parameters, the stop-loss and take-profit thresholds, and the buy and sell amounts.
6. Run the run_trading_bot() function to execute the trading bot.
7. Monitor the bot’s output and adjust the parameters as needed to optimize performance.

How to Backtest:

To backtest this trading strategy, you can use historical price data to simulate the bot’s performance in a past market. Here are the step-by-step instructions to backtest the strategy:

1. Obtain historical price data for the chosen asset and timeframe. You can use a third-party data provider or a cryptocurrency market data API to fetch the data.
2. Modify the get_macd() function to accept a list of historical price data instead of real-time data from the exchange.
3. Simulate the bot’s trading decisions using the historical data and the modified get_macd() function. You can use a for loop to iterate through the historical data and call the run_trading_bot() function at each time step.
4. Keep track of the bot’s performance metrics, such as total profit and loss, number of trades, and win rate.
5. Analyze the performance metrics to evaluate the strategy’s effectiveness and identify opportunities for improvement.

Keep in mind that backtesting can provide useful insights into a trading strategy’s performance, but it does not guarantee future results. The actual market conditions and the bot’s execution may differ from the simulated backtest, so it’s important to exercise caution and not rely solely on backtesting results when making real trades.


Example input:

Trading Indicator & Parameter: super trend with period 10 and multiplier 3,
Rule: buy/sell based on the color change of the super trend,
Target Points: 10,
StopLoss Points: 20

Example output:

———— START CODE ————

SuperTrend = SuperTrend(SuperTrendPeriod, SuperTrendMultiplier);

// Buy when SuperTrend turns from red to green
if SuperTrend crosses above close and not TradeActive then
Buy next bar at close;
TradeEntryPrice = close;
TradeStopLoss = close – StopLoss * MinMove;
TradeActive = true;

// Sell when SuperTrend turns from green to red
if SuperTrend crosses below close and not TradeActive then
Sell short next bar at close;
TradeEntryPrice = close;
TradeStopLoss = close + StopLoss * MinMove;
TradeActive = true;

// Check for exit conditions
if TradeActive then
// Exit on target
if MarketPosition = 1 and close >= TradeEntryPrice + Target * MinMove then
Sell next bar at close;
TradeExitPrice = close;
TradeProfit = (TradeExitPrice – TradeEntryPrice) * BigPointValue;
TradeActive = false;

if MarketPosition = -1 and close <= TradeEntryPrice – Target * MinMove then
Buy to cover next bar at close;
TradeExitPrice = close;
TradeProfit = (TradeEntryPrice – TradeExitPrice) * BigPointValue;
TradeActive = false;

// Exit on stop loss
if MarketPosition = 1 and close <= TradeStopLoss then
Sell next bar at close;
TradeExitPrice = close;
TradeProfit = (TradeExitPrice – TradeEntryPrice) * BigPointValue;
TradeActive = false;

if MarketPosition = -1 and close >= TradeStopLoss then
Buy to cover next bar at close;
TradeExitPrice = close;
TradeProfit = (TradeEntryPrice – TradeExitPrice) * BigPointValue;
TradeActive = false;
—————— END CODE ——————

This code defines input parameters for the SuperTrendPeriod, SuperTrendMultiplier, Target, and StopLoss values. It then defines variables to keep track of the SuperTrend value, trade entry price, trade exit price, trade profit, trade stop loss, and whether a trade is currently active.

The SuperTrend indicator is calculated using the input parameters, and the code enters a long trade when the SuperTrend turns from red to green and a short trade when the SuperTrend turns from green to red. The code also sets the trade entry price and stop loss based on the input parameters.

The code then checks for exit conditions, which are either hitting the target or the stop loss. If the target or stop loss is hit, the code exits the trade and calculates the trade profit.

The input parameters are defined using the Inputs keyword, and they can be modified later. The code includes comments throughout to explain what each section does and how it works.



Example input:

Trading Indicator & Parameter: super trend with period 10 and multiplier 3,
Rule: buy/sell based on the color change of the super trend,
Target Points: 10,
StopLoss Points: 20

Example output:

———— START CODE ————

SuperTrend = SuperTrend(SuperTrendPeriod, SuperTrendMultiplier);

// Buy when SuperTrend turns from red to green
if SuperTrend crosses above close and not TradeActive then
Buy next bar at close;
TradeEntryPrice = close;
TradeStopLoss = close – StopLoss * MinMove;
TradeActive = true;

// Sell when SuperTrend turns from green to red
if SuperTrend crosses below close and not TradeActive then
Sell short next bar at close;
TradeEntryPrice = close;
TradeStopLoss = close + StopLoss * MinMove;
TradeActive = true;

// Check for exit conditions
if TradeActive then
// Exit on target
if MarketPosition = 1 and close >= TradeEntryPrice + Target * MinMove then
Sell next bar at close;
TradeExitPrice = close;
TradeProfit = (TradeExitPrice – TradeEntryPrice) * BigPointValue;
TradeActive = false;

if MarketPosition = -1 and close <= TradeEntryPrice – Target * MinMove then
Buy to cover next bar at close;
TradeExitPrice = close;
TradeProfit = (TradeEntryPrice – TradeExitPrice) * BigPointValue;
TradeActive = false;

// Exit on stop loss
if MarketPosition = 1 and close <= TradeStopLoss then
Sell next bar at close;
TradeExitPrice = close;
TradeProfit = (TradeExitPrice – TradeEntryPrice) * BigPointValue;
TradeActive = false;

if MarketPosition = -1 and close >= TradeStopLoss then
Buy to cover next bar at close;
TradeExitPrice = close;
TradeProfit = (TradeEntryPrice – TradeExitPrice) * BigPointValue;
TradeActive = false;
—————— END CODE ——————

This code defines input parameters for the SuperTrendPeriod, SuperTrendMultiplier, Target, and StopLoss values. It then defines variables to keep track of the SuperTrend value, trade entry price, trade exit price, trade profit, trade stop loss, and whether a trade is currently active.

The SuperTrend indicator is calculated using the input parameters, and the code enters a long trade when the SuperTrend turns from red to green and a short trade when the SuperTrend turns from green to red. The code also sets the trade entry price and stop loss based on the input parameters.

The code then checks for exit conditions, which are either hitting the target or the stop loss. If the target or stop loss is hit, the code exits the trade and calculates the trade profit.

The input parameters are defined using the Inputs keyword, and they can be modified later. The code includes comments throughout to explain what each section does and how it works.